By Suzanne F Stevens | April 5, 2017
Our Association leadership team was in a mall, racing against a clock. Our goal, to accomplish as many random acts of kindness within
By Suzanne F Stevens | March 29, 2017
Have you ever been in a situation where had a cough, your relationship broke-up or lost a love one? You shared with someone
by Suzanne F. Stevens, Conscious-Contribution™ Cultivator, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), | March 22, 2017
With the recent events happening around the world: the refugee crisis, the Paris terrorist attacks, the hostage-taking in Mali …
By Suzanne F Stevens | March 15, 2017
As the holiday season comes to an end I can’t help but reflect on what that time of year means. In a word…giving.
By Suzanne F Stevens | March 8, 2017
Do you volunteer for your professional association or do you professionally contribute?
Volunteers at professional associations often vet me to speak at their conferences,
By Suzanne F Stevens | March 1, 2017
As I started my Christmas shopping on the weekend, it continues to amaze me the diverse customer experience you can have from one
By Suzanne F Stevens | Februray 22, 2017
It was my 42nd Birthday, and by all accounts I had everything. A wonderful home, a great career, good health, good friends
By Suzanne F Stevens | February 15, 2017
While travelling in Africa last year, we often found ourselves asking the question: are we helping or hurting?
We had just come back from
By Suzanne F Stevens | February 1, 2017
When we look back on your life, will you ask the philosophic question: “Why did I turn out the way I did?” Inevitably
By Suzanne F Stevens | February 8, 2017
Traveling through Africa for over a year this trip has provided me with more understanding to expectations of societies and how people interact