YouMeWe Movement
where care and being inclusive are at the core

Join the Movement youmewe philosophy is that BIG
collective impact is only possible through small, individual actions.
Everyone has a role to play.
Your Contribution Counts Campaign|
List a contribution to the community and YouMeWe will invest in a woman moving her from poverty to prosperity ... read more
Become a YouMeWe Crusader |
Get involved, it's easy ... read more
YouMeWe Manifesto |
Have the courage to be inclusive ... read more
Join YouMeWe Community - where Women Leaders drive social impact|
Celebrate, cultivate, and co-create opportunities ... read more
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Get involved ...
Become a YouMeWe Crusader
YouMeWe welcomes you to join WE. There are many ways to become involved in the movement. Firstly, before you jump in, knowing the objective and how it relates to you will guide you to inspire a wave that leads to a positive ripple effect.
YouMeWe Movement’s goal is to raise consciousness and inspire individuals and organizations to create or participate in initiatives that promoted a more caring and inclusive humanity.
The movement is inspired by interviews with pioneering African women leaders who consciously contribute to uplift society. These women identified a social gap and became activists, conscious leaders, educators or social entrepreneurs. Each embraces their purpose and emanated a positive ripple effect in their community, country, or beyond.
How can YOU promote a more caring and inclusive humanity through the YouMeWe movement?
•Share your contributions, or celebrate someone else's - for every contribution logged, the YouMeWe Group will invest in a woman's education or business to help her get out of poverty into prosperity. Share with your colleagues and friends - Your contribution will count TWICE, and we can create a positive ripple effect. Visit #YourContributionCounts Campaign to log your conscious-contributions.
• Sign-up for weWednesdays – and receive a three-minute weekly video infusion on how to make your contribution count • for you • your company • your community.
• You experience the principles of YouMeWe (Manifesto & Values) in the community, take a photo, and tweet it using the hashtag #YouMeWeMovement.
• Take a video and share using the hashtag #YouMeWeMovement. Send us the link and will showcase it on our website - email us
• Let YouMeWe know of an initiative, or individual that is creating a positive impact in the community – email us. We may interview them on WisdomExchangeTV.com – a web platform, and/or invite them to be one of our guest panelist at YouMeWe Exchange.
• Join our Facebook page and share your conscious-contributions™
• Join our Instagram page and share your conscious-contributions™